picture from the website of HarperCollins Childrens
http://www.harpercollinschildrens.com/Kids/BookDetail.aspx?isbn13=9780060728373&BDMode=3(reach http://www.torak.info/ for more)The fifth book of Wolf Brother series is Oath Breaker, which is my favorite one so far. Diffenret from the previous ones, Oath Breaker is well flavoured so that, as i believe, it makes readers feel more like the people in the story, or feel being a part of it. For me i feel i am sometimes like Torak, like a lone wolf with special gift, searching for certainty and longing for a partner who is always there for him. Renn is a clever girl who is gifted with Magecraft and hunting skills and at the same time growing wiser and wiser. It is so good to see that she and Torak are going to a different stage. I truly wish they would be together in the next and final book "Ghost Hunter" (expecting! lol!!!) Wolf is a true loyal family, and Fin-Kedinn reminds me of so much about John Newman, who had been not just my guide and special friend, sometimes in some way he was even like a father. When the story of Oath Breaker was going to end, the conversation of Fin-Kedinn and Torak was just so touched.More and more are things that i am going to do, there will be more books to read and DVDs to watch (1 or 2 DVDs are still being left on my desk....), and yet i am of course looking forward to reading Ghost Hunter which is going to be a great hit! If the series are going onto film then i will go for all of them for sure.
last friday i made a spur-of-the-moment decision: biking down to san-yi! the estimated distance is over 120km, muahahaha! of course i'm the man of my words, as soon as i got back home i had my bike clean and greased. gathered my bike shoes and some gear, ready for the next day's shot.i'm not going to describe how beautiful the scene was and what i had done on the way, except for one thing...when i was passing through the border of tong-luo and san-yi, my stomach had already been protesting for starving and asking for something to stuff it in. until then it took me about 6 hours, it was noon hot time, my energy was going to run out. i was pretty sure that if there were no restaurants or something to eat, i would pull over and stuff my mouth with leaves.....at this very moment i saw a booth selling hard guava! hard GUAVA! when i was kid i didn't like it at all because it was too hard to start a bite, but i had never thought it became my hero on this very day! awesome! i bought three and then gulped one right away. i still needed to keep riding, better not to make myself too stuffed.
the photo taken at zhu-nanweather crazily hot
been to PAGE ONE in the afternoon, bought "oath breaker" the book of Wolf Brother series, left the bookstore with delighted heart. i love reading children's book.
i dumped the book "sex slaves" which i had been reading during the past month. it reveals countless cruel situations that are unknown by ordinary people, and that has greatly impacted my emotions too much. i felt really sad for those cheated or forced young girls, angry at male chovinism. it had been overwhelming.
"that's enough," i told myself, then threw it away, because what has been written in the book is too dreadful to withstand.
wandering on motorbike around the street, been thinking or spacing out, whatever, i was reminded of the words "sometimes you just have to let go." yes, eugene, just let go you have to.
and probably too many words are incomparable to just one action, so...no more explanation. this is what i have learned.
(referenced from "way back into love" on youtube)
remember winter of 2007 you gave me this song "way back into love". though it was freezing outside, a surge of warm flow came straight through my heart. winter of 2007, you were in taiwan, i was in london. we were far apart though, everything you did made me feel we were just so close. standing on the bridge near embankment london underground station, wind was breezing, night sky was dim, i looked down on water of River Thames, i convinced myself that i had to get a job there and wait for your coming.
now it's differnt. you're in preston, i'm in taiwan. i'm so grateful for your willing to let me back to you. this time, i will never ever let you fall. wait for me...
daily routine work is stable indeed, but i have no idea at all why i'm feeling so powerless and not as energetic as before working. i always think of myself as an explorer and so this kind of life is actually quite boring to me...i need something new injecting into my soul!
i'm a mechanical engineer responsible for some asthetic parts. if i were able to do the design in the very beginning, i believe i would be very fastidious about my parts. it's extremely important being fastidious in the first stage so as to avoid many other more unnecessary problems afterwards. so, from now on, i want to challenge myself to be a fastidious engineer, even though i have been very fastidious about my parts.somebody is fastidious about something:fastidious means always giving too much attention to small details and wanting everything to be correct and perfect - according to Cambridge Online Dictionary