Last wednesday was the first time Xiao Mao fainted, I didn't seethat because i was in San Yi. I came back home on friday eveningand was welcomed by Xiao Mao's energetic and ecstatic barking as usual, Waving tail, moving around, he was so cute.Next day when i went back home from speed dating event organisedby Goldie and Vicent, when i was climbing up the stairs, my sisterElsa who was rushing down with Xiao Mao told me that Xiao Mao faintedout of breath again and they had to get to vet hospital as soon aspossible. That night I didn't see Xiao Mao recovered...On Sunday Elsa and me took Xiao Mao to a famous vet hospital near Taipei 101, and the doctor decided that he had Uremia, due to thelack of water drinking and peeing. But the situation was not gettingbetter even taking medicine. The night before I set off to San Yi,dread and sadness came down to me and Elsa. We were very sad to seehis situation like this, and yet there was nothing we could do. Thatmade us feel very sick...On monday morning, before I completely wokeup, I heard a sound coming up from under my bed. It was Xiao Maostaying there. Without knowing what he was doing, but it was a sadsituation again because an online article said that animals seemcapable to sense they're going to die, they would find a place tohide themselves. We saw Xiao Mao doing this which reminded me ofthat article and I truly wished I had never read the article.Monday afternoon, Elsa told me she took Xiao Mao to the hospitalwhose doctor had done leg surgery for Xiao Mao. This time, the truereason why Xiao Mao didn't drink and eat and pee was finally found.Kidney stones were blocking the passage from his blade or between blade and Kidney. He hadn't peed for nearly two days and probably that caused him Uremia. The doctor helped him pee using a conduit.The pee was successfully released though, it had been sometimeuntil the kidney stones were found, Uremia is still there. He nowhas to accept an intravenous drip everyday, the doctor has to makesure Xiao Mao's blade and kidney are not damaged...We can't help think of what might happen to Xiao Mao afterwards,the times he has been with us keep appearing in my mind...I havebeen asking God to save him...Xiao Mao, you will be getting better. This weekend don't forgetI will take you out for a walk in the stadium. Please get better...I miss you so much......
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