
Sunday, April 25, 2010

In God I Trust

the week has been good. as i'm relocated back to taipei, i was able to join the Bible study and it did feel wonderful! also, during the past month i'd been involved in product manual translation and a little film making, and the film is almost done and waiting for being put to internet in the coming week. God is so great, He's always got good things in store for me!

i've been watching the Star Trek series of season four. again as usual, i'm inspired by how wise Captain Picard is. he's full of knowledge of classic literature such as Hamlet and Shakespear. actually in real life he is a such kind of person. his knowledge, his in-depth perspective about many things, his communication skills and his determination about exploration and discovering the unknown have encouraged me somehow. this is the reason why i've been considering getting a degree of English literature. i wish to become as wise and understanding as him.

tomorrow is the 30th anniversary of Pastor Walter and Baiping, and today they held a tender, warm wedding ceremony, which is rich with testimony. adrian and andre their kids were there, and their words i believed touched many people. they are a what i have known the best model family. i want to have one as well (oh well i will!)

when anet, as an assistant preacher today, was reading about "Love never gives up; Love sets aside personal plan for the good of the other", i was thinking to myself "have i managed to do it? if pastor and i reverse, can i make it to the same point in life? i always look the negative, why have i never learned to shake it off for the good?" yes i do wish to have a life-long marriage, and interestingly, in one of the Star Trek series councellor Deanna Troi happened to mention this, "in a marriage you are willing to share your personality with the other person." i do want to have this, and i believe i must do it well from this time forward.

Sentence of The Day:

oh well, actually there are many good sentences for my day today. instead of just picking one or two, i picked all of them:

1. always do what i must in love, be kind and respectful, but stand firm and make a decision that you will live in freedom."

2. after God, you are your priority.

3. embrace the place where i am.

all the above are quoted from Become A Better You by Joel Osteen the preacher at Lakewood Church

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