In a couple of days Eucanny will be 3 years old, and the hottest topic being discussed within family is which kindergarten and what type is best for him. The most possible time to start his school is probably either coming February or May, and now we're having two kindergartens or three in the list.
Yeah, some people might think kids' only mission is playing instead of learning any skills which in many cases make their parents proud so that perhaps it's way too early for Eucanny to go to school now.
But you know what, I am Eucanny's father, he is my son, that means he is my sole responsibility. I have got a plan and decided what's best for him. I don't care about what other people say or think, because they are not the one taking the full responsibility of my son's future. I have considered as many possibilities as I can, and once the decision is made, no one can change my mind.
And besides, everything Eucanny is and will be doing is not to make me proud. He's already a person, a buddy, a guy who can make decisions. What I do is provide an environment for him to play and learn happily, to grow up happily and learn skills he will need.
I'm going to take a draw for Eucanny in a kindergarten called Hess International. As soon as we've got this position, he will start his first education there, and that's what I'm very looking forward to because I've never been to American school when I was kid and I myself expect to learn something if my son gets the position to Hess. God, I'm already excited about it!
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