
Monday, June 28, 2010

6 more days to go

before swim test.

there is going to be a swim test on this coming sunday before the beginning of lifeguard course. each swimmer has to pass the test by finishing 400m in 12 minutes (100 freestyle, 100 breast stroke, and the other 200m can be chosen by swimmers). today as usual i went swimming and after finishing 1200m, i tested 3 times how fast i could do. first was 9 minutes, second and third were 8 minutes, well, i think it should be no problem then. but i will keep testing and get myself used to the speed and force i have to make. of course the faster the better.

by the time to leave, i jumped out of water and was ready to change. i passed by the smaller pool aside, made a spur of the moment decision to jump into it. there was no one but me in the kid's pool. it felt wonderful! knees half-bent, my whole body emerged with my head above water surface, looking at the other side and recalling when i was kid i always started from there to here, recalling the first time i learned to emerge myself in water, remembering the first time i choked and it felt terrible and scary. that was the most peaceful moment i enjoyed after all these years.

somehow, i miss my childhood life.

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