
Saturday, September 15, 2012

I want to be a good father

My son is going to be born very soon, and I am really looking forward to the day. Today I saw an article talking how Jews teach their kids, and I found what the article says totally match with what I plan to do in the future. What it says include: let the child be themselves, parents should know themselves more, help children know themselves as early as possible, kids should eat on their own without parents’ help…etc. It also tells of not taking accompanying kids as a kind of responsibility. And, yes again, this is what I totally agree, but I will have to remind myself more of this in the future.
Many friends have asked me “your son is going to be born within a few weeks, are you feeling nervous now?” My answer to that is “Of course not”! I am expecting to see my son. I have been looking forward to see him since when I was still single. Nothing can change this, and I am not going to change as well.
The article also writes of some other things which are very important and make me reconsider about the way I am now, like am I still following others blindly rather than making decision based on my judgment. Jewish education doesn’t encourage obedience, and this is totally different from Taiwanese education. I even wonder, maybe this is part of the reason that Christianity is not popular in Israel. Well…this is not the case anyway.
I want to be a good father. My son is going to be born, and I expect to hold him in my arms. I want my kid to enjoy his life happily. I will respect what he wants to do (as long as they are good things). I want to make a deep emotional connection with him. Besides the role as a father, the role as a friend is what I wish to have with him in the future.
I am still thinking about what sort of name is best for my son. His Chinese name will beYou-Kai Huang (黃佑凱), and the relative English name I originally thought of wasEucan, which is the combination of my name (Eugene) and my wife’s name (Canlace) and reflects the meaning of confidence because it sounds like “You Can”; but then I decided not to adopt this name because of a friend whose daughter’s name is also the combination of his and his wife’s. (well, I would like to be creative.)
So…what name should I have for my son? Still thinking about it…

Monday, September 3, 2012

every once a while

about every once a while the idea of working and living abroad would come up in my mind. today it did, what's different is now i completely know it's my own wish instead of reasons like "it's for my kid", "it's for my family"...etc. i wish to see more, i wish to put myself in a totally different environment, i think this would be a good challenge, i always think so.