
Friday, November 14, 2014


I'm on the way to Hualian for Taiwan King of Mountain bicycle race tomorrow. I have been feeling partly excited because I love challenge and am going to race with a pro team I have newly joined, partly nervous because the challenge is tough like a blood stained beast (more than 5% steep and over 27% the last 10km climb to the top), partly anxious because of recent devastating news of the one who suffer from the lost of family. One who is a friend of mine has lost his mother, the other who had been an unfamiliar neighbour passed when he was running a marathon. Rumour said he was pushed by his colleague and ran reluctantly while he was having a bit cold. Whatever the true reason, he was only 45, a father of two and a husband.

This saddens me enough as I myself am a father and husband too, and I love challenge. It's almost a cliche saying life is short, life is fragile, but when death comes with its blood stained teeth, resistance is futile.

What is life? What is the purpose of our life? What can we do to make it count? What can me and my family do to be ready for the next journey after this life? All these questions have been circulating in my mind, and I still haven't found any answer satisfying enough to even just one question.

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